Tuesday, May 24, 2011

If You Can't Take The Heat.......

Yesterday, the Bucs PG beat writer Colin Dunlap admirably resigned his post citing his desire to pursue other goals as well as spending more time with his 3-month old twins. I don't know Colin Dunlap at all, but I can tell you right now he is a great father to do that for his kids. He should be commended for doing something of such a magnitude and his reasons are as good as any. The title of my post has nothing to do with Colin, it has to do with the open position the PG must now fill the opposition from Pro-Nutters to a potentital candidate.

BucsDugout, a blog that is highly Pro-Nutter, has interpreted John Perrotto's recent tweets as proof he would like to throw his hat into the ring for consideration for the PG beat position. The BucsDugout staff seemed to be vehemently opposed to this possibility, citing Perrotto's outward distaste for Nuthouse and the FO as proof he is unfit for this position. The same John Perrotto that writes for Baseball Prospectus, ESPN Insider, is a member of  the Baseball Writers Association of America, and thus holds a Hall of Fame vote is not fit for the PG Bucs beat? 

On what grounds, I ask? Is it because of his flame out during his time writing the Pirates Report when he refused to lie? Maybe it's because he does not worship the ground Nuthouse, Opie, and Lying Liar walk on? Hell, it could just simply be that he doesn't spin everything in the FO's favor to distort their true intentions to deceive fans, take from MLB welfare, and line their fat cat pockets while playing in a tax payer funded venue. I think the Pro's just don't like hearing the truth.They have become so enamored with the FO and their endless web of lies and deceit of this loyal fan base that the Pro's just LOVE to be taken advantage of by the BMTIAB. Look at the turnout over the weekend; I know somebody who actually was turned away Saturday night!

I, for one, am not entirely sure what Nuthouse and FO have ever done to earn so many people's trust, but there must be something I am truly missing. Perrotto writing for the PG would be great for us Anti's, finally someone on the beat who isn't afraid to call it like he sees it. As of late, DK has seemed to me like he is becoming a full-fledged Pro-Nutter. Friday night he tweeted that nobody in the press box was talking about the Stroll Inn and it should be a dead issue. The next night, he was excited over the Pirates fans chants drowning out Tigers fans chants. That would be impressive if we were playing Detroit, but at a home game the home team should have more, louder ( if not drunker) fans. This is wasn't a Pens-Thrashers game in ATL after all.

Those of us in the Anti camp should be fully behind someone like Perrotto getting that job but the reality is he doesn't have a chance for all of those reasons that BucsDugout cited. Nobody wants to step on anybody's toes, call anybody's mistakes out, or hold them accountable for their actions. Unless of course that somebody is a Mom n Pop bar in Kennedy Twp.


  1. I have NEVER understood the love for the FO. Maybe a Pro can comment on it.

    I think they are afraid to post on a site that doesn't agree with them. They are all used to their Pro sites.

  2. Well, liars stick together, so that must be a reason why some people love this FO.

    I personally would love to see Perrotto get the job, but hell would have to freeze over for that to happen. Sad.

  3. Go over to the Nutting Regime propaganda sheet Bucs Dugout.
    'Ol Charlie Wilmoth (who just happens to be from Wheeling, WV) runs it Regime style.
    He unloaded on John Perrotto, and Regime followers proceeded to chime in.
    Wonder why?
    Wonder how he got that blog going with so much support?
    I think the answer blends in with iron-fisting a certain tavern in the McKees Rocks area for taking a nickel off of a pitcher of beer via Buc losses.
    Regimes work that way.....
